Save the Children

Good day to you all! This week I will be talking about a non-profit organisation, namely, Save the Children foundation and how they have associated social technology value levers across their organisation, in relation to McKinsey’s Global Institute.


Little about the organisation…

Save the Children is an internationally active non-governmental organisation that promotes children’s rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Globally they work in 120 countries with aim of ensuring that children no longer die from preventable diseases, have the opportunity to learn through access to education as well as have the basic needs to resources such as food, water and shelter.

Mobilising resources

In the past couple of years social technologies have played a major role in promoting non-profit organisations. Not only it is inexpensive but with the growing number of individuals using social media today, allows for these non- profit organisations to endorse themselves on a large scale. Save the Children uses Facebook and Twitter pages to engage the community in fundraising. Apart from their website, the organisation uses their Facebook page to spread the continuous awareness of their charitable work to the public through videos, pictures and various posts. This then encourages others to donate and be a part of making a difference.Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at 1.16.44 PM

With over 19, 000 likes on Facebook and almost 7000 followers on Twitter (that is Save the Children Australia alone), Save the Children creates and expands its volunteer network thorough social media. Many are enticed to volunteer because of their friends and peers who are already volunteering. For example someone shares his or her charitable work through Facebook and a couple of friends are inspired by it and decides to try it out themselves. Save the children also uses their You Tube channel to endorse their work as well as raise awareness to the general public with the aim of increasing funds and expanding its volunteer network.

Being a non-profit organisation, keeping volunteers engaged can be a challenge as they rely solely on them for continuous support. In addition to You Tube, Facebook and Twitter, Save the Children retains support through personal experiences expressed in blogs by volunteers and other members of the organisation. Overall Save the Children has mobilized their resources effectively through social technologies and consequently been making a positive difference around the world at the same time.

That’s all for this week and don’t forget to leave a comment!